Whenever an opponent casts a creature spell, if this permanent is an enchantment, it becomes a 2/4 Soldier creature. {0}: This permanent becomes an enchantment.
Changes into a creature even if the spell is countered.
It triggers when the spell is cast, which means it becomes a creature before that spell resolves.
When it turns into a creature, it is no longer an enchantment.
When it turns into an enchantment, it is no longer a creature.
A "creature spell" is any spell with the type Creature, even if it has other types such as Artifact or Enchantment. Older cards of type Summon are also Creature spells.
A noncreature permanent that turns into a creature can attack, and its {T} abilities can be activated, only if its controller has continuously controlled that permanent since the beginning of their most recent turn. It doesn't matter how long the permanent has been a creature.