Renowned Weaver

Renowned Weaver {G}

Creature - Human Shaman
{1}{G}, Sacrifice Renowned Weaver: Create a 1/3 green Spider enchantment creature token with reach.
"You think your weaving as beautiful as mine? Let me show you the true meaning of the craft."
  • 2014-04-26 If Renowned Weaver is attacking or blocking, and you activate its ability before combat damage is assigned and dealt, it won't deal combat damage. If it was blocking a creature, that creature will remain blocked. If you don't activate the ability before the combat damage step, it must survive combat for its ability to be activated later.
  • Journey into Nyx (common)

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Foreign names
  • 享誉织匠
  • 享譽織匠
  • Angesehene Weberin
  • Tisseuse réputée
  • Tessitrice Rinomata
  • 名高い織り手
  • 유명한 방직공
  • Tecedora Renomada
  • Знаменитая Ткачиха
  • Tejedora insigne