Archfiend of Sorrows

Archfiend of Sorrows {5}{B}{B}

Creature - Demon
When this creature enters, creatures your opponents control get -2/-2 until end of turn.
Unearth {3}{B}{B}
  • 2021-06-18 Activating a creature card's unearth ability isn't the same as casting the creature card. The unearth ability is put on the stack, but the creature card is not. Spells and abilities that interact with activated abilities (such as Stifle) will interact with unearth, but spells and abilities that interact with spells (such as Cancel) will not.
  • 2021-06-18 If a creature returned to the battlefield by the unearth ability would leave it for any reason, it's exiled instead—unless the spell or ability that's causing the creature to leave the battlefield is actually trying to exile it. In that case, the spell or ability succeeds at exiling the creature. If the spell or ability later returns the creature card to the battlefield (as Ephemerate might, for example), the creature card will return as a new object with no relation to its previous existence. The unearth effect will no longer apply to it.

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Foreign names
  • 致悲翼邪鬼
  • 致悲翼邪鬼
  • Erzdämon des Leids
  • Archifielleux des regrets
  • Supremo Demone delle Sofferenze
  • 悲しみの魔神
  • 슬픔의 대마귀
  • Arquidemônio dos Pesares
  • Архидемон Скорби
  • Archidemonio de los pesares