Tempt with Discovery

Tempt with Discovery {3}{G}

Tempting offer — Search your library for a land card and put it onto the battlefield. Each opponent may search their library for a land card and put it onto the battlefield. For each opponent who searches a library this way, search your library for a land card and put it onto the battlefield. Then each player who searched a library this way shuffles.
  • 2013-10-17 After each opponent has decided, the effect happens simultaneously for each one who accepted the offer. Then, the effect happens again for you a number of times equal to the number of opponents who accepted.
  • 2013-10-17 Your opponents decide in turn order whether or not they accept the offer, starting with the opponent on your left. Each opponent will know the decisions of previous opponents in turn order when making their decision.

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Foreign names
  • 探索诱惑
  • Verlockung der Entdeckung
  • Tentation de la découverte
  • Tentazione della Scoperta
  • 発見の誘惑
  • Tentação da Descoberta
  • Искушение Открытиями
  • Tentación del descubrimiento