Mind Bend

Mind Bend {U}

Change the text of target permanent by replacing all instances of one color word with another or one basic land type with another.
  • 2004-10-04 Alters all occurrences of the chosen word in the text box and the type line of the given card.
  • 2004-10-04 Can target a card with no appropriate words on it, or even one with no words at all.
  • 2004-10-04 It can be used to change a land's type from one basic land type to another. For example, Forest can be changed to Island so it produces blue mana. It doesn't change the name of any permanent.
  • 2004-10-04 It can't change a word to the same word. It must be a different word.
  • 2004-10-04 It only changes what is printed on the card (or set on a token when it was created or set by a copy effect). It will not change any effects that are on the permanent.
  • 2004-10-04 You can't change proper nouns (i.e. card names) such as "Island Fish Jasconius".
  • 2004-10-04 You choose the words to change on resolution.

Card is in preconstructed decks:

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Foreign names
  • 曲解心意
  • Bewußtseinserweiterung
  • Ploiement mental
  • Piegare la Mente
  • 幻覚
  • Contraverter a Mente
  • Сгибание Разума
  • Torsión mental