Trapeze Artist

Trapeze Artist {W}

Creature - Human Performer
This creature enters by being flipped from a height of at least one foot (about 0.3 meters). If it lands face down or didn't turn over completely at least once during the flip, return it to its owner's hand.
Heinrich catches the trapeze only about half the time, but he looks so good falling.
  • Artist: Ernanda Souza
  • Collector Number: 318
  • Available only as foil
  • Promo: boosterfun, galaxyfoil
  • Rarity: uncommon
  • Released: 2022-10-07
  • Set: Unfinity
  • Stamp: acorn
  • Trapeze Artist is not legal in any format.
  • 2022-10-07 If Trapeze Artist is a token, use a printed token or another Magic card to execute the flip.
  • 2022-10-07 There's no opportunity for any player to do anything between the Trapeze Artist's chaotic, orblike entrance and it returning to its owner's hand if unsuccessful.
  • 2022-10-07 To "turn over completely" means to do a full 360° rotation. Trapeze Artist should start with its back facing the table, then at some point midflight its front should face the table, and then its back should once again face the table. That's the minimum for a successful entrance. More flips are optional but encouraged.
  • Unfinity 32 318 (uncommon)

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