Chittering Harvester

Chittering Harvester {5}{B}

Creature - Nightmare
Mutate {4}{B}
Whenever this creature mutates, each opponent sacrifices a creature.
  • 2020-04-17 As the triggered ability resolves, first the next opponent in turn order (or, if it's an opponent's turn, the opponent whose turn it is) chooses a creature they control, then each other opponent in turn order does the same, knowing the choices made before them. Then all the chosen creatures are sacrificed at the same time.
  • Magic Online Promos (uncommon)
  • Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths 80 288 (uncommon)

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Foreign names
  • 吱响索命妖
  • 吱響索命妖
  • Fauchender Schnitter
  • Moissonneur bruyant
  • Mietitore Squittente
  • 騒がしい収穫者
  • 찍찍대는 수확자
  • Ceifador Chiador
  • Верещащий Сборщик
  • Cosechadora gorjeante