Ravenous Leucrocota

Ravenous Leucrocota {3}{G}

Creature - Beast
{6}{G}: Monstrosity 3.
Hunger makes a leucrocota dangerous. A full belly makes it angry and dangerous.
  • 2014-04-26 An ability that triggers when a creature becomes monstrous won't trigger if that creature isn't on the battlefield when its monstrosity ability resolves.
  • 2014-04-26 Monstrous isn't an ability that a creature has. It's just something true about that creature. If the creature stops being a creature or loses its abilities, it will continue to be monstrous.
  • 2014-04-26 Once a creature becomes monstrous, it can't become monstrous again. If the creature is already monstrous when the monstrosity ability resolves, nothing happens.

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Foreign names
  • 贪食鬣狗狮
  • 貪食鬣狗獅
  • Gefräßiges Leucrocota
  • Leucrotta vorace
  • Leucrotta Famelica
  • 貪欲なるレウクロッタ
  • 굶주린 류크로코타
  • Leucrócota Voraz
  • Ненасытная Левкрокота
  • Leucrocota voraz