Chrome Host Hulk
Gnottvold Hermit

Chrome Host Hulk

Creature - Phyrexian Troll
(Color indicator: Chrome Host Hulk is blue and green)
Whenever Chrome Host Hulk attacks, up to one other target creature has base power and toughness 5/5 until end of turn.
Now they saw the truth. Divisions between Hagi and Torga were meaningless. There was only Phyrexia.
Card has other part: Gnottvold Hermit
  • 2023-04-14 Chrome Host Hulk's ability overwrites all previous effects that set the affected creatures' power and/or toughness to specific values. Other effects that set these characteristics to specific values that start to apply after the ability resolves will overwrite that part of the effect.
  • 2023-04-14 Effects that modify the affected creature's power or toughness without setting it will apply no matter when they started to take effect. The same is true for counters that change the creature's power or toughness.
  • March of the Machine (uncommon)

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Foreign names
  • 铬亮兵团巨兽
  • Hüne der Chromschar
  • Carcasse de la milice de chrome
  • Colosso dell'Armata di Cromo
  • 金属の徒党の大男
  • Brutamontes da Hoste de Cromo
  • Titán de la Hueste de Cromo