Model of Unity

Model of Unity {3}

Whenever players finish voting, you and each opponent who voted for a choice you voted for may scry 2.
{T}: Add one mana of any color.
"Rivendell is a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or storytelling or singing, or a pleasant mixture of them all."
  • 2023-06-16 If multiple players are instructed to scry at once, those players each look at the top cards of their library at the same time, then they choose in turn order whether to put those cards on the top or bottom of their library and in what order.
  • Tales of Middle-earth Commander 78 158 488 (rare)

Card is in preconstructed decks:

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Foreign names
  • 团结模范
  • Modell der Einheit
  • Maquette d'unité
  • Modello di Unità
  • 統一の模範
  • Modelo de Unidade
  • Maqueta de unidad