Plots That Span Centuries

Plots That Span Centuries

When you set this scheme in motion, the next time you would set a scheme in motion, set three schemes in motion instead.
"Awaken, cowards! Long have I been preparing for this moment, and you will witness my next ascension."
  • Plots That Span Centuries is not legal in any format.
  • Duskmourn: House of Horror Commander (common)
  • DCI Promos 54 54 (rare)

Card is in preconstructed decks:

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Foreign names
  • Pläne, die Jahrhunderte umspannen
  • Des complots qui traversent les siècles
  • Complotti Secolari
  • 数世紀に渡る陰謀
  • Tramas que llevan siglos urdiéndose