Sort of _____ and _____

Sort of _____ and _____ {3}

Artifact - Equipment
When Sort of _____ and _____ enters the battlefield, choose two tournament legal cards in the Sword of _____ and _____ cycle at random. This equipment has the first piece of the combat damage trigger of the first chosen one, and the second piece of the combat damage trigger on the second chosen one. (It doesn't grant +2/+2 or protection. Yes, Hearth still returns the creature.)
Equip {2}
  • Artist: unknown
  • Collector Number: RA13
  • Available only as nonfoil
  • Promo: playtest
  • Rarity: rare
  • Released: 2023-02-17
  • Set: Unknown Event
  • Sort of _____ and _____ is not legal in any format.
  • Unknown Event (rare)

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