Emperor Crocodile

Emperor Crocodile {3}{G}

Creature - Crocodile
When you control no other creatures, sacrifice this creature.
The king of Yavimaya's waters pays constant attention to his subjects . . . and thrives on their adulation.
  • 2016-06-08 Emperor Crocodile's ability will trigger if you don't control another creature, even if it's only for a brief moment during the resolution of another spell or ability (such as that of Brago, King Eternal).
  • 2016-06-08 The ability only checks if you control no other creatures at the time it triggers. It does not check again on resolution, so gaining control of a creature before then will not save Emperor Crocodile.

Card is in preconstructed decks:

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Foreign names
  • 帝王鳄鱼
  • Kaiserkrokodil
  • Crocodile Empereur
  • Coccodrillo Imperatore
  • 皇帝クロコダイル
  • Crocodilo Imperador
  • Царь крокодилов
  • Emperador cocodrilo
  • Cocodrilo emperador