// NAME: Sleeper - Enhanced Deck - Urza's Saga Enhanced Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/usg/sleeper-enhanced-deck // DATE: 1998-10-12 4 Argothian Enchantress [USG:234] 2 Citanul Centaurs [USG:243] 1 Lhurgoyf [5ED:309] 4 Endless Wurm [USG:249] 1 Hurricane [5ED:303] 2 Clear [USG:7] 1 Disenchant [USG:12] 3 Humble [USG:18] 2 Harrow [TMP:230] 1 Hidden Guerrillas [USG:261] 1 Hidden Herd [USG:262] 2 Hidden Predators [USG:263] 3 Brilliant Halo [USG:5] 1 Fortitude [USG:253] 1 Hidden Ancients [USG:260] 2 Hidden Stag [USG:265] 1 Oath of Lieges [EXO:11] 3 Pariah [USG:28] 1 Worship [USG:57] 4 Drifting Meadow [USG:320] 10 Forest [USG:347] 6 Plains [USG:331] 4 Slippery Karst [USG:327] Sideboard 1 Feldon's Cane [5ED:368] 1 Hurricane [5ED:303] 2 Spreading Algae [USG:274] 3 Disenchant [USG:12] 1 Rune of Protection: Black [USG:36] 2 Rune of Protection: Red [USG:40] 2 Light of Day [TMP:27] 1 Worship [USG:57] 2 Scragnoth [TMP:253]