// NAME: Fiendish Nature - Enhanced Deck - Urza's Destiny Enhanced Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/uds/fiendish-nature-enhanced-deck // DATE: 1999-06-07 2 Elvish Lyrist [USG:248] 4 Llanowar Elves [6ED:239] 4 Wall of Blossoms [STH:125] 1 Cradle Guard [USG:245] 2 Uktabi Orangutan [6ED:260] 2 Yavimaya Elder [UDS:124] 2 Gamekeeper [UDS:106] 3 Plague Dogs [UDS:66] 3 Ancient Silverback [UDS:101] 1 Verdant Force [TMP:263] 2 Giant Growth [6ED:233] 1 Symbiosis [USG:275] 2 Rancor [ULG:110] 4 Engineered Plague [ULG:51] 3 Recurring Nightmare [EXO:72] 2 Pattern of Rebirth [UDS:115] 13 Forest [USG:347] 1 Polluted Mire [USG:323] 2 Slippery Karst [USG:327] 6 Swamp [USG:339] Sideboard 4 Dread of Night [6ED:122] 1 Terror [6ED:160] 1 Choke [TMP:219] 2 Eradicate [UDS:60] 1 Splinter [UDS:121] 2 Stronghold Taskmaster [STH:72] 1 Living Death [TMP:142] 3 Scragnoth [TMP:253]