// NAME: The Flames of Rath - Tempest Theme Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/tmp/the-flames-of-rath // DATE: 1997-10-14 4 Mogg Fanatic [TMP:190] 3 Fireslinger [TMP:173] 1 Firefly [TMP:172] 2 Lightning Elemental [TMP:186] 2 Wild Wurm [TMP:212] 1 Flowstone Giant [TMP:174] 1 Sandstone Warrior [TMP:199] 1 Flowstone Salamander [TMP:175] 1 Magmasaur [TMP:188] 1 Soltari Guerrillas [TMP:272] 1 Coiled Tinviper [TMP:279] 2 Disenchant [TMP:16] 1 Tahngarth's Rage [TMP:209] 1 Searing Touch [TMP:201] 1 Blood Frenzy [TMP:164] 1 Goblin Bombardment [TMP:179] 4 Kindle [TMP:184] 2 Rolling Thunder [TMP:198] 3 Lightning Blast [TMP:185] 1 Furnace of Rath [TMP:177] 1 Squee's Toy [TMP:309] 1 Maze of Shadows [TMP:319] 19 Mountain [TMP:343] 5 Plains [TMP:331]