// NAME: Azorius Advance - Return to Ravnica Intro Pack // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/rtr/azorius-advance // DATE: 2012-10-05 2 Trained Caracal [RTR:27] 2 Azorius Arrester [RTR:5] 2 Concordia Pegasus [RTR:8] 3 Silvercoat Lion [M13:35] 1 New Prahv Guildmage [RTR:181] 2 Stealer of Secrets [RTR:53] 1 Lyev Skyknight [RTR:179] 2 Vassal Soul [RTR:224] 1 Soulsworn Spirit [RTR:51] 1 Azorius Justiciar [RTR:6] 2 Battleflight Eagle [M13:7] 2 Bazaar Krovod [RTR:7] 1 Skyline Predator [RTR:50] 1 Archon of the Triumvirate [RTR:142] [foil] 1 Inaction Injunction [RTR:41] 1 Swift Justice [RTR:26] 2 Show of Valor [M13:34] 1 Dramatic Rescue [RTR:156] 1 Angel's Mercy [M13:3] 1 Tablet of the Guilds [RTR:235] 2 Azorius Keyrune [RTR:225] 2 Arrest [RTR:3] 1 Righteous Authority [RTR:189] 1 Azorius Guildgate [RTR:237] 12 Plains [RTR:250] 12 Island [RTR:255]