// NAME: Eldrazi Arisen - Rise of the Eldrazi Intro Pack // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/roe/eldrazi-arisen // DATE: 2010-04-23 1 Akoum Boulderfoot [ROE:134] 1 Conquering Manticore [ROE:139] [foil] 1 Daggerback Basilisk [ROE:182] 1 Goblin Piker [M10:140] 1 Hand of Emrakul [ROE:5] 1 Kozilek's Predator [ROE:193] 1 Nest Invader [ROE:201] 1 Ondu Giant [ROE:202] 1 Pathrazer of Ulamog [ROE:9] 1 Rapacious One [ROE:162] 1 Runed Servitor [ROE:224] 2 Sporecap Spider [ROE:209] 1 Ulamog's Crusher [ROE:13] 1 Act of Treason [M10:124] 1 Bountiful Harvest [M10:170] 2 Flame Slash [ROE:145] 1 Growth Spasm [ROE:186] 1 Might of the Masses [ROE:196] 1 Windstorm [M10:205] 1 Dreamstone Hedron [ROE:216] 1 Awakening Zone [ROE:176] 10 Forest [ROE:245] 8 Mountain [ROE:241]