// NAME: Sainted One - Astral Cards Shandalar Enemy Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/past/sainted-one // DISPLAY: Against Black: -2 Swords to Plowshares, -1 Disenchant +1 Karma, +1 Circle of Protection: Black, +1 Angry Mob Against Blue: -2 Swords to Plowshares +2 Circle of Protection: Blue Against Green: -2 Swords to Plowshares +2 Circle of Protection: Green Against Red: -2 Swords to Plowshares, -1 Disenchant +2 Circle of Protection: Red, +1 Conversion Against White: -2 Swords to Plowshares +3 Circle of Protection: White, +1 Disenchant // DATE: 1997-04-01 3 Armageddon 3 Armageddon Clock 1 Balance 1 Black Lotus 2 Blessing 3 Bottle of Suleiman 4 Circle of Protection: Artifacts 3 Dingus Egg 1 Disenchant 1 Mishra's Workshop 1 Mox Pearl 2 Personal Incarnation 22 Plains 3 Rainbow Knights 2 Serra Angel 1 Sol Ring 2 Swords to Plowshares 3 White Knight 2 White Mana Battery Sideboard 1 Angry Mob 1 Circle of Protection: Black 2 Circle of Protection: Blue 2 Circle of Protection: Green 2 Circle of Protection: Red 3 Circle of Protection: White 1 Conversion 2 Disenchant 1 Karma