// NAME: Alt-A-Kesh - Astral Cards Shandalar Enemy Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/past/alt-a-kesh // DATE: 1997-04-01 1 Ancestral Recall [2ED:48] 2 Birds of Paradise [3ED:187] 2 Bog Imp [DRK:41] 2 Cockatrice [3ED:189] 2 Energy Flux [ATQ:9] 7 Forest [3ED:304] 4 Gem Bazaar [PAST:12] 7 Island [3ED:295] 2 JunĂșn Efreet [ARN:28] 2 Lord of the Pit [3ED:116] 2 Mahamoti Djinn [3ED:66] 2 Phantasmal Forces [3ED:69] 2 Phantom Monster [3ED:71] 2 Scryb Sprites [3ED:215] 2 Stream of Life [3ED:217] 7 Swamp [3ED:298] 1 Time Walk [2ED:84] 1 Timetwister [2ED:85] 2 Untamed Wilds [LEG:210] 2 Vampire Bats [LEG:125] 2 Wall of Air [3ED:90] 2 Wall of Bone [3ED:134] 2 Wall of Ice [3ED:225] 2 Zephyr Falcon [LEG:86]