// NAME: Devastation - Onslaught Theme Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/ons/devastation // DATE: 2002-10-07 1 Battering Craghorn [ONS:188] 1 Charging Slateback [ONS:194] 1 Snapping Thragg [ONS:233] 1 Tephraderm [ONS:239] 1 Shaleskin Bruiser [ONS:226] 3 Elvish Pioneer [ONS:257] 3 Wirewood Elf [ONS:301] 3 Wirewood Savage [ONS:304] 3 Snarling Undorak [ONS:283] 2 Barkhide Mauler [ONS:246] 1 Venomspout Brackus [ONS:295] 1 Krosan Groundshaker [ONS:271] 1 Towering Baloth [ONS:292] 2 Chain of Plasma [ONS:193] 1 Erratic Explosion [ONS:201] 1 Solar Blast [ONS:234] 1 Thunder of Hooves [ONS:242] 1 Aether Charge [ONS:184] 1 Naturalize [ONS:275] 1 Primal Boost [ONS:277] 3 Explosive Vegetation [ONS:263] 1 Cryptic Gateway [ONS:306] 9 Mountain [ONS:343] 13 Forest [ONS:347] 2 Forgotten Cave [ONS:317] 2 Tranquil Thicket [ONS:326]