// NAME: One-Two Punch - Odyssey Theme Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/ody/one-two-punch // DATE: 2001-10-01 2 Druid Lyrist [ODY:238] 1 Gorilla Titan [ODY:241] 1 Krosan Archer [ODY:246] 2 Leaf Dancer [ODY:249] 1 Nantuko Mentor [ODY:255] 1 Rabid Elephant [ODY:263] 2 Beast Attack [ODY:230] 3 Chatter of the Squirrel [ODY:233] 2 Deep Reconnaissance [ODY:236] 1 Earth Rift [ODY:189] 3 Elephant Ambush [ODY:240] 2 Engulfing Flames [ODY:191] 1 Firebolt [ODY:193] 1 Howling Gale [ODY:244] 1 Moment's Peace [ODY:251] 2 Reckless Charge [ODY:215] 1 Refresh [ODY:264] 2 Roar of the Wurm [ODY:266] 2 Scorching Missile [ODY:219] 1 Seize the Day [ODY:220] 2 Sylvan Might [ODY:277] 1 Volcanic Spray [ODY:226] 15 Forest [ODY:347] 10 Mountain [ODY:343]