// NAME: Eruption - Nemesis Theme Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/nem/eruption // DISPLAY: // DATE: 2000-02-14 1 Kris Mage [MMQ:195] 2 Laccolith Whelp [NEM:91] 1 Arc Mage [NEM:77] 3 Laccolith Grunt [NEM:87] 2 Laccolith Warrior [NEM:90] 2 Flowstone Crusher [NEM:81] 1 Flowstone Overseer [NEM:82] 2 Alabaster Wall [MMQ:2] 2 Chieftain en-Dal [NEM:4] 1 Defender en-Vec [NEM:5] 1 Oracle's Attendants [NEM:16] 2 Trap Runner [MMQ:55] 1 Crenellated Wall [MMQ:290] 3 Seal of Fire [NEM:98] 1 Flaming Sword [MMQ:190] 1 Downhill Charge [NEM:79] 1 Thunderclap [MMQ:219] 1 Volcanic Wind [MMQ:223] 1 Disenchant [MMQ:18] 1 Inviolability [MMQ:23] 1 Seal of Cleansing [NEM:18] 1 Ramosian Rally [MMQ:38] 1 Sivvi's Ruse [NEM:21] 1 Belbe's Armor [NEM:126] 1 Flowstone Armor [NEM:131] 1 Iron Lance [MMQ:300] 14 Mountain [MMQ:343] 10 Plains [MMQ:331]