// NAME: Path of Blight - Mirrodin Besieged Intro Pack // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/mbs/path-of-blight // DATE: 2011-02-04 2 Plague Myr [MBS:125] 2 Blight Mamba [SOM:112] 2 Phyrexian Digester [MBS:120] 2 Rot Wolf [MBS:90] 2 Priests of Norn [MBS:16] 1 Viridian Corrupter [MBS:94] 1 Corpse Cur [SOM:147] 1 Core Prowler [MBS:103] 1 Blightwidow [MBS:77] 2 Tangle Angler [SOM:128] 2 Tine Shrike [MBS:17] 1 Phyrexian Hydra [MBS:85] [foil] 2 Phyrexian Juggernaut [MBS:121] 2 Hunters' Feast [M11:182] 2 Unnatural Predation [MBS:93] 1 Mighty Leap [M11:22] 1 Pistus Strike [MBS:86] 2 Choking Fumes [MBS:4] 1 Safe Passage [M11:26] 2 Banishment Decree [MBS:3] 1 Decimator Web [MBS:105] 2 Trigon of Infestation [SOM:214] 14 Forest [MBS:154] 11 Plains [MBS:146]