// NAME: Fury - Magic 2015 Clash Pack // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/m15/fury // DATE: 2014-07-18 4 Elvish Mystic [M15:173] 2 Generator Servant [M15:143] 2 Voyaging Satyr [THS:182] 1 Nessian Courser [THS:165] 2 Reclamation Sage [M15:194] 1 Courser of Kruphix [BNG:119] 2 Ill-Tempered Cyclops [THS:125] 3 Karametra's Acolyte [THS:160] 3 Nylea's Disciple [THS:167] 3 Nessian Game Warden [JOU:132] 1 Arbor Colossus [THS:150] 2 Nemesis of Mortals [THS:163] 1 Genesis Hydra [M15:176] 1 Hydra Broodmaster [CP1:4] [foil] 2 Lightning Strike [M15:155] 2 Plummet [M15:192] 1 Boulderfall [THS:115] 1 Fated Intervention [CP1:2] [foil] 1 Font of Fertility [CP1:3] [foil] 8 Mountain [M15:262] 16 Forest [M15:266] 1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx [THS:223]