// NAME: Nefarious - Foundations Jumpstart Jumpstart // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/j25/nefarious // DATE: 2024-11-07 1 Vilis, Broker of Blood [J25:70] 1 Dark Confidant [J25:114] 1 Scourge of the Undercity [J25:11] 1 Howling Banshee [J25:119] 1 Alchemist's Gift [J25:397] 1 Arrogant Outlaw [J25:400] 1 Audacious Thief [J25:401] 1 Infernal Grasp [J25:456] 1 Read the Bones [J25:479] 1 Ulcerate [J25:499] 1 Vampire Scrivener [J25:505] 1 Metalspinner's Puzzleknot [J25:755] 1 Thriving Moor [J25:779] 7 Swamp [J25:87]