// NAME: Dangerous Knowledge - Eldritch Moon Intro Pack // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/emn/dangerous-knowledge // DATE: 2016-07-22 1 Sanguinary Mage [SOI:178] 2 Thermo-Alchemist [EMN:147] 2 Ingenious Skaab [EMN:66] 1 Niblis of Dusk [SOI:76] 2 Weaver of Lightning [EMN:149] 1 Pyre Hound [SOI:174] 1 Niblis of Frost [EMN:72] [foil] 2 Mercurial Geists [EMN:186] 1 Silburlind Snapper [SOI:85] 1 Bedlam Reveler [EMN:118] 3 Take Inventory [EMN:76] 1 Incendiary Flow [EMN:133] 1 Drag Under [EMN:57] 1 Pieces of the Puzzle [SOI:78] 2 Make Mischief [EMN:135] 2 Shreds of Sanity [EMN:141] 1 Reduce to Ashes [SOI:176] 1 Pore Over the Pages [SOI:79] 1 Rise from the Tides [SOI:83] 1 Turn Aside [EMN:78] 3 Galvanic Bombardment [EMN:129] 1 Convolute [EMN:53] 2 Geistblast [SOI:160] 1 Dance with Devils [SOI:150] 13 Island [SOI:286] 12 Mountain [SOI:292]