// NAME: Strength Of Selesnya - Dragon's Maze Event Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/dgm/strength-of-selesnya // DATE: 2013-05-24 1 Champion of Lambholt [AVR:171] 2 Doomed Traveler [ISD:11] 1 Geist-Honored Monk [ISD:17] 1 Odric, Master Tactician [M13:23] 2 Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage [RTR:207] 1 Wayfaring Temple [RTR:209] 4 Call of the Conclave [RTR:146] 1 Increasing Devotion [DKA:11] 3 Lingering Souls [DKA:12] 4 Wake the Reflections [DGM:10] 1 Advent of the Wurm [DGM:51] 3 Rootborn Defenses [RTR:19] 4 Selesnya Charm [RTR:194] 1 Growing Ranks [RTR:217] 4 Intangible Virtue [ISD:19] 1 Parallel Lives [ISD:199] 2 Rancor [M13:185] 4 Evolving Wilds [M13:224] 6 Forest [RTR:270] 1 Godless Shrine [GTC:242] 1 Grove of the Guardian [RTR:240] 7 Plains [RTR:250] 4 Selesnya Guildgate [DGM:155] 1 Swamp [RTR:260] Sideboard 4 Centaur Healer [RTR:148] 3 Druid's Deliverance [RTR:123] 4 Pacifism [M13:24] 1 Rogue's Passage [RTR:245] 3 Sundering Growth [RTR:223]