// NAME: Rakdos Revelry - Dragon's Maze Intro Pack // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/dgm/rakdos-revelry // DATE: 2013-05-03 1 Bloodfray Giant [RTR:89] 2 Carnage Gladiator [DGM:61] 1 Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch [DGM:69] [foil] 1 Grim Roustabout [RTR:68] 3 Gutter Skulk [GTC:67] 2 Guttersnipe [RTR:98] 2 Minotaur Aggressor [RTR:100] 2 Rakdos Drake [DGM:28] 3 Riot Piker [DGM:37] 2 Slum Reaper [RTR:77] 2 Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers [DGM:39] 2 Spawn of Rix Maadi [RTR:199] 2 Spike Jester [DGM:106] 1 Awe for the Guilds [DGM:31] 2 Morgue Burst [DGM:86] 1 Toil // Trouble [DGM:133a] 1 Punish the Enemy [DGM:35] 2 Rakdos Cluestone [DGM:143] 1 Havoc Festival [RTR:166] 1 Sinister Possession [DGM:29] 10 Mountain [RTR:265] 4 Rakdos Guildgate [DGM:154] 12 Swamp [RTR:260]