// NAME: Boros Legion 1 - Ravnica: Clue Edition Jumpstart // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/clu/boros-legion-1 // DATE: 2024-02-23 1 Novice Inspector [MKM:29] 1 Fresh-Faced Recruit [CLU:192] 1 Sunhome Stalwart [CLU:73] 1 Roc Charger [CLU:70] 1 Parhelion Patrol [CLU:68] 1 Ordruun Mentor [CLU:39] 1 Integrity // Intervention [CLU:198a] 1 Mighty Leap [CLU:66] 1 Boros Signet [CLU:220] 1 Martial Impetus [CLU:65] 1 Thriving Heath [CLU:251] 1 Boros Guildgate [CLU:232] 1 Boros Garrison [CLU:231] 1 Aegis of the Legion [CLU:22] 1 Finale of Glory [CLU:61] 5 Plains [CLU:254]