// NAME: Death's Encroach - Avacyn Restored Event Deck // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/avr/deaths-encroach // DATE: 2012-05-25 1 Cemetery Reaper [M12:86] 2 Crypt Creeper [AVR:91] 4 Diregraf Ghoul [ISD:97] 1 Geralf's Messenger [DKA:63] 3 Ghoulraiser [ISD:102] 1 Gloom Surgeon [AVR:104] 1 Gravecrawler [DKA:64] 4 Highborn Ghoul [DKA:68] 4 Skinrender [SOM:78] 3 Despise [NPH:56] 3 Altar's Reap [ISD:86] 2 Dismember [NPH:57] 2 Doom Blade [M12:95] 3 Go for the Throat [MBS:43] 2 Lashwrithe [NPH:143] 24 Swamp [AVR:236] Sideboard 2 Crypt Creeper [AVR:91] 1 Ghoulraiser [ISD:102] 1 Despise [NPH:56] 2 Appetite for Brains [AVR:84] 3 Deathmark [M12:90] 2 Distress [M12:94] 1 Surgical Extraction [NPH:74] 3 Triumph of Cruelty [AVR:122]