// NAME: Legion Aloft - Alara Reborn Intro Pack // URL: http://mtg.wtf/deck/arb/legion-aloft // DATE: 2009-04-30 1 Metallurgeon [ALA:19] 1 Etherium Sculptor [ALA:42] 2 Ethercaste Knight [ARB:3] 1 Aven Mimeomancer [ARB:2] 1 Wall of Denial [ARB:16] 1 Bottle Gnomes [10E:312] 1 Esper Cormorants [CON:105] 2 Arsenal Thresher [ARB:131] 2 Glassdust Hulk [ARB:7] 2 Sanctum Plowbeast [ARB:10] 1 Filigree Angel [ARB:6] [foil] 1 Kiss of the Amesha [ALA:177] 1 Path to Exile [CON:15] 1 Offering to Asha [ARB:9] 1 Protomatter Powder [ALA:53] 1 Whispersilk Cloak [10E:345] 2 Pacifism [10E:31] 1 Stormcaller's Boon [ARB:13] 8 Plains [ALA:230] 8 Island [ALA:234] 2 Terramorphic Expanse [10E:360]